
EXTREME UNCTION - Insane Procreation / In Sadness
Caverna Abismal :: CD :: 12€
Official reissue of the 1993 demo by this old and obscure Portuguese band, including the one-song "Insane Procreation" demo (1992) as bonus. Comprising members of Moonspell, Therion, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Desire, Festering and Els Focs Negres before they became known in those bands, Extreme Unction was all about melodic and mournful Doom/Death Metal with that distinctive musty scent from the early/mid 90īs, in the best tradition of the early works of the "Peaceville Three", as well as other acts of yore, such as Celestial Season, Visceral Evisceration, Enchantment, The Gathering...